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Probability and Statistics

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(a) Explain the difference between mutually exclusive and independent events. Can a pair of events be both mutually exclusive and independent? Give examples.

(b) Discuss the problems inherent in using words such as "likely," "possibly," or "probably" to convey degree of belief.

(c) One way a discrete probability distribution can be portrayed is in a table that lists values for x and f(x). Describe two other ways distributions can be represented.

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The expert explains the difference between mutually exclusive and independent events.

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(a) Explain the difference between mutually exclusive and independent events. Can a pair of events be both mutually exclusive and independent? Give examples.

If two events are mutually exclusive they can't happen at the same time. If two events are independent, they don't effect the outcome of one another. Imagine rolling a pair of dice. You can get the same number on both of them, ...

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