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1. Classify each number below as a rational number or an irrational number:

a) Square root of 64
b) 9
c) -41.4
d) 46.97
e) -3 sqaure root 2
f) 24+9*(15-13)/6
g) -(1-23/1)2/1-4.5

2. Evaluate the expression when a=-6 and b=4 .

3. Evaluate the expression for c=-4
c^2 + 7c - 5

4. Write an inequality for the following statement
A is greater than or equal to 4

5. Translate this sentence into an equation
84 is the product of delia's height and 7.
Use the varialable d to represent delia's height

6. Use the distributive property to remove the parentheses

7. Simplify:

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This solution is comprised of detailed step-by-step calculation of the given problems related to Algebra and provides students with a clear perspective of solving similar problems in future.

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Question #1 / 10
Classify each number below as a rational number or an irrational number.
Square root of 64

-3 square root ...

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