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Technology and High Tech Crimes

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The impact and use of technology in policing and the courts is a primary tool for police/courts to be productive and "keep up" with the increasing sophistication of high tech crime and criminals. New techniques and advanced technology are now required to maintain a high quality of police and court management. What are some of the high tech crimes now being committed in the United States ? Give specific examples of recent technology being used to "fight" crime by police departments. Identify and describe "gaps" between sophisticated high tech crime and law enforcement agencies' training and equipment used to address high tech crimes. What are your personal views on the use of technology by the courts and law enforcement agencies? Support your ideas with current references, primarily less than three years old.

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Technology and high tech crimes is discussed in 765 words in this solution. Online references are provided.

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Technology and high tech crimes
The impact and use of technology in policing and the courts is a primary tool for police/courts to be productive and "keep up" with the increasing sophistication of high tech crime and criminals. New techniques and advanced technology are now required to maintain a high quality of police and court management. What are some of the high tech crimes now being committed in the United States ? Give specific examples of recent technology being used to "fight" crime by police departments. Identify and describe "gaps" between sophisticated high tech crime and law enforcement agencies' training and equipment used to address high tech crimes. What are your personal views on the use of technology by the courts and law enforcement agencies? Support your ideas with current references, primarily less than three years old.

Common high tech crimes are money laundering and counterfeiting of currency. These are done by dangerous criminals and even terrorist. Counterfeiting in the context of patents is very serious and is done in the context of luxury goods makers and pharmaceuticals. Spam is used to defraud consumers. Phishing is used to obtain financial information about a user and use his credit card details. The crimes of today include tapping wireless computer networks, unauthorized user of internet, monitoring of conversation and communication, data theft, data manipulation, In addition, there have been increasing use of 3G phones because of ...

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