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Email scam

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Your job as a high-tech crime investigator for a large U.S. university employing more than 10,000 faculty and staff with 60,000 enrolled students requires you to investigate and issue incidents of the Nigerian scam occurring on campus, and to file a report with the appropriate law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Nigeria. In the past 24 hours, your campus has been deluged with mails, which have eluded all campus server filters. You need to ask people to report whether they have sent money or responded to the mails. The information technology (IT) department already has the statistics on the number of mails that got through.

Compose an e-mail message (500-600 words) to send to all e-mail addresses in the campus directory, explaining the scam and directing all students and employees to take the necessary remedial and precautionary measures. Address the following questions in your e-mail:

What can people do if they have received these scam messages?
What steps are you taking to report the scam activity to the appropriate law enforcement agencies? Explain the procedures that are required to report the scam to the U.S. and Nigerian governments.
Use Microsoft Word to write your e-mail message. In addition, include a subject line for your e-mail.

For country-specific information on how to report incidents of the Nigerian scam, visit:


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SUBJECT: University high-tech crime investigators warn the university staff and students of Nigerian mail scam

To all university students and faculty,

University high-tech crime investigators are warning students and faculty to beware of a recent scam where some students and staff are receiving an unsolicited fax, email, or letter identified as coming from the Nigeria or another African nation and asking for personal information.

While our security systems are built to prevent such emails entering our networks, our statistics indicate that a number of them have gone through, and it is crucial that those email be deleted, not forwarded or replied to.

The received documents are containing either a money laundering or other illegal proposal, or even a Legal and Legitimate business proposals. However, the variations ...

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