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Cases that used Scientific Evidence

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I have been researching and was only able to find a couple of cases that I needed. I was wondering if I could get some guidance on finding 5 or 6 cases where scientific evidence was used. If you could just provide me with the websites/references as to where to locate these cases and the information about them also. Thank you!

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Provides assistance in locating examples of court cases that use scientific evidence, such as OJ Simpson and others. References and websites are also provided for further research.

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I located several court cases that involve scientific evidence for you to consider. Let's take a closer look. I provided the general information for the case, and provided links for further research.


1. New scientific evidence in Libyan HIV court case
06 Dec 2006 18:00:09 GMT Source: Reuters (http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L06832717.htm)

A team of international scientists has produced new information that questions the evidence against the six medics on trial in Libya accused of deliberately infecting Libyan children with HIV (http://www.news-medical.net/?id=21219).

"Scientists have produced new evidence that casts doubts on charges against five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor accused of deliberately infecting 426 Libyan children with HIV in 1998 and held in jail since.
The trial of the six health workers ended in Tripoli last month. The prosecutor demanded the death penalty after five Libyan HIV/AIDS experts stood by their 61-page report written in 2003 that found the infections resulted from an intentional act. The medical workers were sentenced to death by firing squad after being convicted in a trial in 2004" (http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L06832717.htm).

The five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor, who have now been incarcerated in a Libyan jail for over eight years, were accused of deliberately infecting 426 Libyan children with HIV at a hospital in Benghazi in 1998. In a re-trial in Tripoli of the six health workers which ended last month, the prosecution demanded the death penalty and stood by the evidence of five Libyan HIV/AIDS experts who found in their report in 2003 that the infections resulted from an intentional act (http://www.news-medical.net/?id=21219).

INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT - reached a different conclusion and execution was stayed.

"De Oliveira and his colleagues in Oxford collaborated with scientists from several European universities to conduct an independent scientific assessment of the data. Their findings were presented to the Libyan authorities. The medical workers were sentenced to death by firing squad after being ...

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