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The fall of the Roman Empire and "Roman Peace"

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Just so our Study Buddy Group has these two definitions set clearly in our heads...we need a simple understanding of two concepts:

(a) What does it mean to say the Roman Empire "FELL"?

(b) What does "Roman Peace" exactly mean?

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This solution provides some clarification on the meaning of the 'Fall of Rome' and the term "Roman Peace".

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a) What does it mean to say the Roman Empire "FELL"?

The traditional use of the phrase "The Fall of Rome" generally refers to the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fifth century. After about 400 years of iron fisted rule, the Roman Empire as it had existed for so long was simply gone.

The Roman Empire centered at the city of Rome, in what is now Italy; the most extensive Western civilization of ancient times. According to legend, the empire was founded in 753 B.C. by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. Rome was at first ...

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