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US Constitution and Freedom of Speech

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How has the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of speech been impacted by the Internet?
What is the responsibility of the press in a democratic society?

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How has the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of speech been impacted by the Internet?
What is the responsibility of the press in a democratic society?

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The development of the Internet opened new possibilities for achieving freedom of speech using methods that do not depend on legal measures. Pseudonymity and data havens (such as Freenet) allow free speech, as the technology guarantees that material cannot be removed (censored). A gripe site is one of the latest forms of exercising Free Speech on the Internet.

Web sites which fall foul of government censors in other countries are often re-hosted on a server in a country with no such restrictions. Given that the United States has in many respects the least restrictive governmental policies in the world on freedom of speech, many of these websites re-host their content on an American server and thus escape censorship while remaining available to their ...

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