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Industrialization, immigration, and imperialism in 1900

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How did industrialization, immigration, and imperialism affect America's perception of itself around the year 1900? Did this perception play a role in America's initial reluctance to enter WW I? What relevance can you draw for today's U.S. policies?
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Industrialization, immigration, and imperialism are focal topics in the 1900s in America.

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America around the turn of the century was in the midst of rapid industrial development which saw the expansion of the steel, railroad, banking, and other major industries. These developments were fueled by immigration as waves of primarily European (Western, Central, Southern, and Eastern Europeans) immigrants came to America to work the mines, factories, and farms.

In addition, the American frontier was basically cleared for settlement by the 1890s and large numbers of Americans moved west to take advantage of the opportunities to own and work the land.

In general, the country was changing rapidly and starting to come into its own as a serious economic and even military power that was in some ways already leading the world in technological advances.

Time of such change always provoke conflicting emotions as America always had a perception of itself as different from Europe and thus a bit hostile and sensitive to charges of imperialism and the idea of foreign intervention. Yet at the same time, America's growing power and interest in ...

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