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Greek arts

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T F 1. Greek drama was a secular activity.
T F 2. The arts were thought to be interdependent on each other.
T F 3. For the Greeks music was an unique art form that stood by itself.
T F 4. The most important Greek contribution to music was the invention of a
musical notation system for recording.
T F 5. Plato's Republic is considered an intellectual exercise in projecting the
Economy of the society.
T F 6. The arts and sciences came under the patronage of the Greek Muses.
T F 7. Greek theaters were large enough to seat most of the local population.
T F 8. The number of actors on the Greek stage at one time could range from 3 to 10.
T F 9. Music was a basic part of education for all Greek citizens.
T F 10. According to Protagoras, "Man is the measure of all things."

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Questions about Greek arts are presented.

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We'll give it a try, okay? Once again, remember I'm not an expert at all in ancient Greek culture and society.

F 1. Greek drama was a secular activity.
(From atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/religion/blgrk_rituals02.htm, "It was also standard that such performances involve the myths and rituals of Greek religion - completely secular drama that was divorced from religion was not normal, if it even existed.")

T 2. The arts were thought to be interdependent on each other.
(I believe this to be true. I found this quote from a course description."'Early Ancient Greek Art and Architecture' aims to study the art and architectural monuments of the Ancient Greeks as art history, to demonstrate the interdependent relationship of ancient architecture and art, and to set these works in their historical context - what do they reveal about Greek culture and Greek society?" In addition, I understand that pantheism's formal statement that is self-defining is, "All things interconnected and interdependent.")

F 3. For the Greeks music was an unique art form that stood by itself.
(Not so at all. To the Greeks, music was seen as integrated into many other aspects of life. A quote from ...

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