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Short answer questions about US civil war and Reconstruction

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1. Explain five consequences of the Civil War (do NOT use slavery as ended, think of long term consequences).

2. Explain three reasons why the Reconstruction might be considered a failure.

3. Explain three reasons why Reconstruction might be considered a success.

4. List by number and explain three constitutional Amendments that were adopted during or right after the Civil War.

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Solution Summary

This solution answers the following short answer style questions:
1. Explain five consequences of the Civil War.
2. Explain three reasons why the Reconstruction might be considered a failure.
3. Explain three reasons why Reconstruction might be considered a success.
4. List by number and explain three constitutional Amendments that were adopted during or right after the Civil War.

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I. Consequences of the Civil War

1. American Deaths- Commonly described as the worst American War, the US Civil War saw nearly 620,000 military dead-360,000 Union, 258,000 Confederate-the total of battle deaths and deaths from other causes, such as disease. More than 15 percent of those who served died in the war. Never again, not even in World War II, did the American casualty rate rise to such a level. [Source: "Air Force Association: 'Casualties'" on http://www.afa.org/magazine/june2003/0603casualties.asp ]

2. Reunification- The South, which had been saved and in which slavery was now abolished, was readmitted to the Union.

3. Financial Consequences- The war cost untold billions of dollars which devastated the economy and took a while to recover from.

4. Encouraged Prejudices- The war nourished rather than canceled hatreds and intolerance, which persisted for decades.

5. Central Government- The war established many of the patterns, especially a strong central government, that are now taken for granted in American national life.

II. Three reasons why the Reconstruction might be considered a failure

1. Racism- When federal troops finally withdrew from the south, white rule was restored, and black people were over time deprived of many civil and political rights and their economic position remained depressed. Organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan arose.

2. Civil Rights- Acts of violence kept African Americans and white Republicans from exercising their civil rights of voting, and gradually the radical Republican governments were ...

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