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Fears of Obamacare

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One of the greatest fears of the opponents of Obamacare is that they will lose the right to choose their personal physician. While people overwhelmingly report being dissatisfied with the health care system, they also report being satisfied with their personal physician at about the same level. How do you interpret this?

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The expert determines peoples greatest fear of Obamacare.

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I feel that the health care system and the doctors who work for them to be in a kind of flux, the difference between building relationships with one person, and developing skills to work through the system of receiving treatments outside the office.

Let's start with the doctors. A doctor has a certain amount of care he can give, regardless of the health care system as a whole. For people on popular prescription drugs, the doctor gets many samples and can give them out freely to patients. Your doctor is not so much your friend, but a business ally to help you, the patient, manage your way through what can be a confusing array of treatments, formularies, and specialists that may or may not truly be available to you based on ...

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