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HRM activities: Acquisition and Utilization of HR

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HRM activities involve the acquisition and utilization of human resources:




Training and Development



Your Task for this module: The organization is St. Josephs Health Centre.

*Which one (choose only one) of the above is best implemented? Explain?

*Which one (choose only one) of the above is 'lacking'? What would your suggestions for improvements be?

Please provide at least 2 pages of good information to help get me started. Thank you.

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Solution Summary

In reference to an organization, this solution explains which of the HRM activities (e.g. planning, recruiting, selecting, training and development; utilizing, rewarding) is best implemented, and which one might be 'lacking'. Suggestions for improvements are also explored. Supplemented with one resource on recruitment strategies.

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Another interesting assignment. Let's take closer look.


1. HRM activities involve the acquisition and utilization of human resources: Planning, Recruiting, Selecting, Training and Development, Utilizing, Rewarding. Your Task for this module: The organization is St. Josephs Health Centre.

a. Which one (choose only one) of the above is best implemented? Explain?

According to the St. Josephs Health center website (click http://www.stjoe.on.ca and see links for employee recognition and benefits and pensions), rewarding its employees seems to be best implemented.


Rewarding strategies seem to be implemented the best. It is involved in both recruitment and retention of employees, and include such rewarding strategies as: employee recognition, awards of excellence, the Sister Marcella Herlehy Legend Award and an array of other employee benefits and pensions. For example:

(1) Employee Recognition: "We believe strongly in the value of recognizing members of the St. Joseph's team for their service, excellence, and support for our Mission and Values (http://www.stjoe.on.ca/about_mission.php). Service and Beyond." Service and Beyond is an internal recognition program that encourages staff, physicians and volunteers to nominate their peers in recognition of their daily demonstration of St. Joseph's values and their accomplishments. Since its inception in May 2002, more than 3,900 Health Centre staff, physicians and volunteers have been recognized.

(2) Awards of Excellence: Formally administered by a selection committee in accordance with written criteria, the Awards of Excellence program honors staff, physicians and volunteers for consistently living the Mission and Values of the Health Centre. Achievements are honored in one or ...

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