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Thesis Statement for a Poem

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I need assistance please. I need help identifying a thesis statement regarding the following poem:

Word over all, beautiful as the sky!
Beautiful that war, and all its deeds of carnage, must in time be utterly lost;
That the hands of the sisters Death and Night, incessantly softly
wash again, and ever again, this soil'd world:
... For my enemy is dead--a man divine as myself is dead;
I look where he lies, white-faced and still, in the coffin--I draw near;
I bend down, and touch lightly with my lips the white face in the coffin.

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The poem addresses themes of war and death, but also of the emotions far from the battlefield.

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In this poem it seems that an individual is expressing a deep respect for someone that was in life an enemy, but also someone this individual highly admired. It seems that in war these two were enemies and competitors, but that now, in death, all the violence and conflict is gone and there remains only the man ...

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