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Outline: Death Penalty Thesis

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What would be a good outline for this thesis statement?

The death penalty should only be an option in cases where a heinous crime has been committed, and the person can be proven guilty by DNA or other tangible or irrefutable evidence.

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Solution Summary

This solution assists in creating a good outline for a thesis statement: The death penalty should only be an option in cases where a heinous crime has been committed, and the person can be proven guilty by DNA or other tangible or irrefutable evidence. Supplemented with articles on the death penalty and the reliability of eye witness testimony.

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Please see outline attached, which is also presented below. I also attached two supporting articles for consideration.


Your question is this:

1. What would be a good outline for this thesis statement?

The death penalty should only be an option in cases where a heinous crime has been committed, and the person can be proven guilty by DNA or other tangible or irrefutable evidence.

Interesting topic and a good thesis statement!

Questions to consider when trying to come up with an outline are: What points do you want to use to argue your thesis? Why do you think heinous crimes deserve the death penalty? (E.g., to prevent them from re-offending so it saves lives, justice for the victim and families of the victim, etc.). How are you going to refute the arguments of those in opposition to the death penalty? (E.g., DNA and tangible evidence ...

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