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Types and Purposes of Assessments

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Discuss the different types of assessments. What is the purpose of assessment? Are these types of assessments necessary? Critique the purposes, types, and steps of assessment of students with disabilities. Which are most valuable and why?

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This article talks about the kinds of assessments that can be used and the purposes of each.

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As students are required to have new knowledge and abilities as we go from the industrial to the informational age the way we test must also change. Assessments should require students to think critically, analyze and make inferences. Understanding how kids learn and the relationship between assessment and learning must come into play.

I am going to give you a website that has an excellent example of a rubric used to assess a social studies unit. This type of testing instrument can be used for any subject matter. I teach math and am in the process of designing a similar piece of material. The beauty of this type of assessment is that multiple objectives can be covered and students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. It also calls upon students to use higher level thinking to complete the task. ...

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