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Symmetrical and positively and negatively skewed data sets.

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Would you expect the data sets given below to be symmetrical, positively skewed, or negatively skewed?

Grades on an easy test.
IQs for all adults in Arizona.
Personal income of professional football players.
Birthweights of infants with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Plot scattergrams for the following situations: perfect positive correlation, Positive correlation, Negative correlation, Absence of correlation,

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Solution Summary

"This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation of data sets and details responses as to whether given sets are symmetrical, positively skewed, or negatively skewed.

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a. Negatively skewed - The grades on an easy test would cause a peak to the left on a graph.

b. Symmetrical - A graph has a peak towards the middle with extreme scores on the ends.
c. Negatively ...

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