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The Importance of Incident Command Systems (ICS)

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Why are Incident Command Systems such as the NIMS model considered important in the 21st century?

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The ICS structure is briefly summarized and referenced.

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Incident Command System

In crisis management, especially in crime emergency response, leadership and coordination are two important principles. Leadership sets not only the chain of command but also the center of responsibility. Coordination is called for between and among the different agencies which may be called in to respond to the emergency. In actual emergency response, the lack of proper coordination and miscommunication may result to fatalities.
In order to address this possible miscommunication and lack of identifiable leadership NIMS was developed. ''The National Incident Management System (NIMS), a program of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is a comprehensive approach to incident management that can apply to emergencies of all types and sizes." ...

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