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16 Habits of Mind

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What are your thoughts, in any of the following elements that you think need improvement?

16 Habits of Mind as follows (Refer to http://www.habits-of-mind.net/):

1) Define the 16 Habits of Mind

a) Developed by Costa and Kallick

b) Focus on how to behave intelligently when the answers are not known

2) Behaviors identified

a) Persisting

b) Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision

c) Managing impulsivity

d) Gathering data through all senses

e) Listening with understanding and empathy

f) Creating, imagining, innovating

g) Thinking flexibly

h) Responding with wonderment and awe

i) Thinking about thinking (metacognition)

j) Taking responsible risks

k) Striving for accuracy

l) Finding humor

m) Questioning and posing problems

n) Thinking interdependently

o) Applying past knowledge to new situations

p) Remaining open to continuous learning.

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The solution discusses 16 habits of the mind. The 16 habits are developed and defined.

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What are your thoughts, in any of the following elements that you think need improvement?

Out of all of the Habits of the Mind, the one that I feel we all need improvement in is managing impulsivity. Everyone, to an extent, has impulsive ...

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