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Importance of Cross Cultural Competency to Mentor-Mentee Relationship

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Please help me get started with these questions.

1. Describe cross-cultural competency and its importance in a mentor-mentee relationship.

2. Describe The Big Four framework for instructional coaches and the importance of each, as well as their relationship to one another.

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The importance of cross cultural competency to mentor-mentee relationships are determined. The Big Four framekworks for instructional coaches and the importance of each are determined. .

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1. Describe cross-cultural competency and its importance in a mentor-mentee relationship.

Cross-cultural competency is the understanding of different attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and communication patterns among a diverse group of people (diverse in ethnicity, religious, historical backgrounds, social context, handicap, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc)(Definition of Cross Cultural Competency). This means as a mentor, it is important for you to acknowledge that there are many cultural differences among your group of students, understand what these differences are, and view these behaviors within a cultural context. I remember in high school, I sat next to a student from China, and because of her cultural beliefs, she never looked anyone directly in the eye when she spoke to them. It was a sign of respect in her culture. However, our instructor was ignorant to this fact and she, of course being a foreign exchange ...

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