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Constructing Meaning Through Reading and Writing

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Create a chart and list 14 strategies and activities that you can use to help your student construct meaning through reading and writing.

Some strategies might include: fix-up strategies, question generating, and inference making.

For each strategy you list, describe an activity and one form of assessment for each activity.

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The expert creates a chart and list of fourteen strategies and activities that you can use to help a student construct meaning through reading and writing.

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I suppose the most organized way to provide with some notes about this topic is to simply divide it out by strategy. I will explain each commonly used strategy, provide a possible activity and a way to assess:

Strategy # 1: Using Scaffolding as a means of instruction

Activity for Strategy #1: Give students a lot of support in a writing activity. Use a variety of methods and build a learning platform for the student. Then, take away all of the notes and demonstrations you have used, give an assignment to the class, and have them perform the task without any support.

Assessment for Strategy #1: Assess this by discovering if the students were able to perform the task without any support from the teacher or materials. If they are struggling, gradually provide assistance that is needed.

Strategy # 2: Implement modeling into your instructional practices

Activity for Strategy #2: Take a text that has already been read in class and use that as a model to illustrate certain writing skills that you are now covering. Demonstrate by reading aloud, giving responses to discussions and questions, and through shared writing.

Assessment for Strategy #2: Assess this by having students conduct a modeling activity on their own and then judging their effectiveness.

Strategy # 3: Use cooperative learning techniques

Activity for Strategy #3: Give a group reading assignment based on a passage in the curriculum.

Assessment for Strategy #3: Assess how well students interact with each other and learn from one another.

Strategy # 4: Give choices to your students

Activity for Strategy #4: This is self-explanatory. Some possibilities are to give students a ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Arizona State University
  • MA, University of Phoenix
  • PhD (IP), North Central University
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