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Anti-virus software and peer-to -peer networks

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1: How does antivirus software work? Why is it important for IS managers to ensure that their antivirus software is up to date? With what software are you personally familiar? Provide a critique of the product's effectiveness and usability.

2: What is a peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing program? Why is P2P potentially dangerous to an organization's network? Do you have personal experience with P2P in your organization? If so, how did your organization handle the situation?

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Anit-virus software, and how it works to recognize malicious code, and how peer-to-peer networks operate, and how they are different from client servers.

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1: How does antivirus software work? Antivirus software searches for code lines that it has been programmed to recognize as malicious. When it finds a code string that is bad, it either eliminates it or quarantines it (isolates it) so that it produces no harm.

Why is it important for IS managers to ensure that their antivirus software is up to date? If an anti-virus software program has not been updated, a new virus code string will not be recognized as malicious, so the AV software will not take action against the virus. This is why these software programs must be updated frequently, or be set for automatic updates, which is preferable.

With what software are you personally familiar? Norton antivirus, Macafee, and a ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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