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What is the difference between a presentation and a learning module? What type of software is suited for each delivery media?

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What is the difference between a presentation and a learning module?

What type of software is suited for each delivery media?

How is design different for a presentation in PowerPoint than in a learning module in Lectora?

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A presentation is something you might give inside a learning module. Think of a presentation as something where someone might stand up and present information to the class, except in this case, it's online. You can think of a module as a unit inside a course. So, when you were young, let's say you learned fractions in Math class. That might be considered a learning module in an online class--it is one aspect of the course that is teaching a certain topic. Perhaps it is a module in an English class about writing the persuasive essay and then the next essay might be on writing a research paper. A presentation would include information presented on these units. Perhaps the teacher shows a presentation about persuasive writing by showing examples through a PowerPoint presentation.

In terms of software, there are many options these days. For instructional technology, many universities ...

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