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a simple Ricardian model

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Suppose that the supply sides of France, Germany and Italy are each described by a simple Ricardian model with two goods, A and B. The technology is as follows:

Labor Needed
A B Labor
France 4 2 200
Germany 1 1 100
Italy 2 4 200

i. Who has a comparative advantage in what?

ii. Draw the world PPF and describe the efficient patterns of specialization.

iii. Describe the free-trade equilibrium if everyone always consumes equal amounts of A and of B. Who gains and loses, who produces and trades what, what are the relative prices?

2. Suppose that the supply sides of France and Italy are each described by a simple Ricardian model with two goods, A and B. The technology is as follows.

A B Labor
France 4 2 200
Italy 2 4 200

i Who has a comparative advantage in what? Who has an absolute advantage in what?

ii Draw the world PPF and describe the efficient patterns of specialization.

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Comparative advantage is simply the opportunity cost of the goods in each country. So in France, we have the opportunity cost of good B at 2 units of good A (since it can produce twice as many As for each B). In Germany, the opportunity cost in is 1 for both products. And in Italy, it is ½ A for each B. So clearly Italy is the best suited to produce good B. France has the comparative advantage in good A.

ii. See the attached file "PPFs" for PPF of each country.

We know that only France and Italy have comparative advantage, so we need to add their PPFs first. This can be done simply by noticing that when completely specialized, they will each produce 100 units. This creates a kink in the world PPF at this point. The lines which join this point to the axis are the slopes of the respective PPFs - ...

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