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profit-maximizing price

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Your marketing VP says that he believes that you could make more money by first releasing a 'limited edition' version aimed at hard-core video game players and then a few months later releasing a regular edition aimed at the general public.

He estimates the following inverse demand curves for each segment

Hard-core game players: PH = $160 - 0.003QH
General public: PG= $80 - 0.00033333QG

Your CFO estimates that the short-term cost function is the same as before:


As is your MC functions for each market:


A.Calculate the profit-maximizing price that you should charge and quantity you should sell to the hardcore game-players
B.Calculate the profit-maximizing price that you should charge and quantity you should sell to the general public
C.Calculate the revenues from selling to hard-core gamers and the revenue from selling to the general public
D.Calculate the profits that you will make from segmenting the market in this way

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The profit-maximizing prices are assessed.

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A. Calculate the profit-maximizing price that you should charge and quantity you should sell to the hardcore game-players

Hard-core game players:
PH = $160 - 0.003QH
Total Revenue=TRH=PH*QH=(160-0.003QH)*QH
Marginal Revenue=MRH=d(TRH)/d(QH)=160-0.006QH
For Profit maximization Put ...

Solution provided by:
  • BEng (Hons) , Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India
  • MSc (Hons) , Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India
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