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Opportunity cost and accounting cost

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1. You are the manager of a Fortune 500 hotel chain and must decide where to locate a new hotel. Based on tax considerations, your accounting department suggests that Atlantic City is the best choice, followed closely by Las Vegas. In particular, your current year tax savings from locating in Atlantic City are $4 million but only $3 million in Las Vegas. Your marketing department, on the other hand, has provided you with sales estimates that suggest that the present value of the gross (of tax) operating profits from locating in Atlantic City are only $10 million but are $14 million for Las Vegas. It will cost $14 million to build the hotel in either location. Ignoring all other considerations, where should you build the hotel? What are your firm's economic profits if you locate the hotel in Atlantic City?

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Opportunity cost and accounting costs are considered.

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Tax Profits from operating in Atlantic City = $10m + $4m = $14m
Cost of building the hotel = ...

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