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five realistic and important factors that will contribute to a successful U.S. economic recovery

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I need help with identifying five realistic and important factors that will contribute to a successful U.S. economic recovery (e.g. solid growth and job creation) over the next five years. The factors can be for instance: global, social, political but they must make a difference within five years. The analysis should also include theoretical and empirical support for each of the five factors.

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Solution Summary

This solution explores five realistic and important factors that will contribute to a successful U.S. economic recovery. References are also provided to further validate the findings.

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Important Factors That Will Contribute to a Successful U.S. Economic Recovery
U.S. Economy is on the recovery path since middle of the 2009 but the improvement is not enough as the unemployment rate in the country still remains at high. Following factors that will strengthen the U.S. Economy further:
a) Stabilization of the financial system: As we have seen that the government has given a huge stimulus package to strengthen the financial system and this has helped the economy to strengthen since the middle of 2009 but still the financial system of the country is not fully stabilize. A stabilize financial system will increase the lending to consumer and the business and this in turn would increase the spending and increased spending would lead to a good GDP growth. So in next 5-years it is expected that a stabilizing financial system of U.S. with the help of government stimulus package would force the U.S. economy to a successful recovery path.
b) Expansionary monetary and fiscal policies: ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Finance
  • Bsc, Madras University
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