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Accounting information system

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How can an accounting information system add value to an organization's processes and/or products? Explain in detail.

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This explains the use of accounting information system

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Accounting is the means by which information about an enterprise is communicated and, thus, is sometimes called the language of business. Costs, prices, sales volume, profits, and return on investment are all accounting measurements. Many different users have need for accounting information in order to make important decisions. These users include investors, creditors, management, governmental agencies, labor unions, and others. Because the primary role of accounting information is to provide useful information for decision-making purposes, it is sometimes referred to as a means to an end, with the end being the decision that is helped by the availability of accounting information. Investors and other stakeholders in the firm need regular financial information to help them monitor the firm's progress. Financial Statements is designed primarily to assist investors and creditors in deciding where to place their scarce investment resources. It is also used to help management to know the performance of organization.
Three key financial statements:
THey are balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. The statement of cash flows provides information about cash receipts and cash payments of an entity during a period. A secondary objective is to provide information about the operating investing and financing activities of the entity during the period. We know a great deal about the company that is valuable in assessing its future cash ...

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