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Shifting Trends in Media

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The following is a brief discussion on the shifting state of the media landscape. With younger audiences exhibiting a substantially different attitude to engaging news and journalism, the classic power balance between conventional media and the far less scrutinised social media has shifted. The classic model of a publisher with strict editorial requirements and conditions no longer holds the prestige and sway that it once did over random people making declarations in the public square, and this comes down to the fact that the digital public square's appeal is now possibly matching the conventional media reach, and has opened an avenue for many to pursue an independent career with a very low barrier for entry.

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Media consumption trends are shifting, especially with younger audiences. Seeing as audience demographic will determine the fate of what prevails and what survives within the media landscape, we briefly discuss the case for pursuing independent journalism on social media.

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An alternative view on media and social media would suggest that perhaps independent social media content - regardless of lack of oversight and very steep competition - is likely to prevail over the convention of legacy models. General trends and polling data appear to indicate that younger generations hold almost the same regard for whatever might be getting reported on social media as they do for news from conventional sources that must often undergo greater critical scrutiny, but also uphold restrictions that could be seen as gatekeeping and restricting individuals from expressing necessary truths.

In the end, demographics shape the fate of the market, and if, speaking in very stark terms, Generation Z holds a 200-300 character tweet, in as much regard and seriousness than a thoroughly researched article, ...

Solution provided by:
  • MA, London Metropolitian University
  • BSc, London Metropolitan University & University of Derby
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  • "Thank you for your explanation. I'm a little lost with how to format my essay. I'm not sure what should be in a comparative essay's paragraph or the order of the paragraph. I am required to use quotes in my essay and I don't know which ones fit really well with my topic. The translation helps me understand but I'm having trouble identfying important quotes that fit. Also, my instructor just advised that we are required to asses a secondary source about my topic and agree or disagree with it and use it to show understanding of the argument. Can you recommed any sources that would fit well with my topic please? Thank you so much for your help!"
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