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Fast Facts: Truth in the Fast Paced Media World Today

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New media has a very fast-paced culture, which makes it prone to lacking editorial and fact-checking rigours. However, this also makes it highly competitive and alluring to audiences looking for confirmation biases, many often of the misleading variety. We briefly discuss the merits of maintaining essential editorial oversight and the challenge of remaining factually accurate in a very quick news and information cycle.

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Solution Summary

A brief discussion on how the faced paced nature of online media and the challenges presented with this pacing. A discussion especially germane to independent media, bypasses a lot of essential editorial checks, thus making for lower quality content, but higher output, more misinformation, and limited and highly selective audience share.

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With information dissemination now at unprecedented levels, the competitive nature of media is more unyielding than ever. Having to not only keep up with the rise of social media and independent journalism, many in the industry as well as those looking to break in independently, have a tall order ahead of them in order to cement a following and viewer/readership.

This comes with a cost of challenges as the rise of alternative and independent has also culminated in a far more varied quality of information as many can now bypass the fact-checking and editorial processes. From a certain perspective, this can be a liberating process and has allowed many more voices within the media and public space, but on the other hand, this has also culminated in the rise of polarising and often questionable content that doesn't undergo necessary fact-checking scrutiny and often ends up cultivating an audience who simply become used to hearing and reading what they wish to with little consideration for factual accuracy. Even with this ethical ...

Solution provided by:
  • MA, London Metropolitian University
  • BSc, London Metropolitan University & University of Derby
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  • "Thank you for your explanation. I'm a little lost with how to format my essay. I'm not sure what should be in a comparative essay's paragraph or the order of the paragraph. I am required to use quotes in my essay and I don't know which ones fit really well with my topic. The translation helps me understand but I'm having trouble identfying important quotes that fit. Also, my instructor just advised that we are required to asses a secondary source about my topic and agree or disagree with it and use it to show understanding of the argument. Can you recommed any sources that would fit well with my topic please? Thank you so much for your help!"
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