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Single Sign-On Infrastructure

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What is the purpose of Single-Sign-On? What are the components of distributed SSO infrastructure? Provide few examples and possibly compare them.

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The solution describes single sign-on infrastructure and its purpose. It talks about components of the distributed SSO infrastructure with examples and comparisons.

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Dear Student,

Please find attached Word document with an elaboration on this topic.

What is the purpose of Single-Sign-On? What are the components of distributed SSO infrastructure? Provide few examples and possibly compare them.

With Scholarly References

Single Sign-On is the functionality that enables a user to authenticate once to a single authentication authority, which is carried forward to allow access to other integrated resources or systems without having to use a different set of credentials every time. The user with this kind of authentication technique is set up with access privileges and permissions without having to use multiple login accounts (username, password, PIN, etc.) This is the main purpose of the single sign-on technology; however this is from a user convenience perspective. There are many other purposes to adapt this technology in enterprises where several integrated systems are implemented and each one requires secure access. Some of these purposes are outlined below:
- To allow users access to all applications from one logon.
- To improve user productivity where ...

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