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Real NMS

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What is the best way to address issues and concerns in a Real network management system (NMS) as it pertains to the processes that take place during network discovery and mapping of the network.

What are the functions of a network node manager. Include a description of these functions.

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One of the concerns in a Real NMS pertaining to the process taking place during network discovery and mapping of the network is time-consuming operation, and at the same time, being an expensive process requiring SNMP messaging. A way to address this is to balance out the support for FCAPs features and computational discovery effort required in trying to maintain parity between the list of discovered elements and the actual network. This reduces the load carried out by the discovery process.
A network node manager (NNM) provides the following functions by default:
- Discovery and mapping: Discovery is a feature by which network elements (NE) are detected and recorded by the NNM automatically, removing any manual process. This feature avoids potential error-prone and tedious task of manually maintaining and entering the details of the deployed NEs by the user. NMM has an automatic discovery mechanism. The discovery process fills up the IP topology database using a series of tables, like the segments, interfaces, nodes and network-level ...

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