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Computer troubleshooting

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In a troubleshooting situation, a modem failed to work when a new internet browser program was installed. Which of these critical questions would likely lead a troubleshooter to the source of the modem failure.
A. Have you ever had this problem before?
B. Has the modem ever worked?
C. Is the problem repeatable?
D. Have you made any recent changes to your system?

Rebooting a system in an attempt to fix a problem is an example of which of these problem-solving strategies?
A look for an obvious fix
B try to replicate the problem
C use a module replacement strategy
D view a system as a group of subsystem

To trace a problem with a peripheral device, a troubleshooter who uses the sequence of subsystems approach would start tracing the problem?
A at the computer end of the sequence of subsystems
B at the midpoint in the sequence of subsystems
C at the peripheral end of the sequence of subsystems
D any of these

The strategy of removing components to return a computer back to a basic configuration is designed to eliminate variables that may make a computer problem more difficult to solve.
True or False?

A "techie" who works exclusively with hardware and software, rarely comes into contact with people, and who talks in technical jargon, will probably not enjoy a career in the user support field.
True or False?

12. Most hardware component problems are the result of failures due to incorrect voltages in a computer system?
True or False

13. Installation software utilities have automated many of the manual tasks required to install and correctly configure software packages?
True or False

15. If a user reinstalls a software package from the original distribution media, they must also install any patches had previously installed to fix buge?
True or False

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Solution Summary

Answers to some basic computer troubleshooting questions with explanations and some references.

Answered by an IT consultant with over 15 years and have done virtually every job in the user support food chain.

Solution Preview

Please see the following. I need to preface this with, "These are how I would answer these questions...I can't guarantee your instructor will agree with me."

I've been an IT consultant for over 15 years and have done virtually every job in the user support food chain - I hope I can provide some insight for you.

Remember that my job as an OTA is NOT to write your assignment for you, but to provide ideas, definitions, research help, and instructions on how you should approach the problem. It is important to remember that I am an Online Teaching Assistant and my role is to help guide your thinking so that you can improve your understanding of the material and your academic skill set.

In a troubleshooting situation, a modem failed to work when a new internet browser program was installed. Which of these critical questions would likely lead a troubleshooter to the source ...

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