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Creating Classes in C++

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I am very confused with classes in C++. I need help with my problem below:

Create a class called car.

Have several variables with the necessary variables that
that store, gas level, amount of gas, gear car is in, car in motion.. etc

Have functions that do:

Check the battery level
Check the gas level
Turn right, Left,Go Straight
Put forward gear
Put backward gear

Start Car (function should check if battery is good and you have gas)
Example: If good then print message "car started", if not "print car not started because ...."

Park Car
ove car # number of feet. ( Car uses 1 unit of gas per 100 feet)
( sub tract 1 unit of gas per 100 feet traveled)
As the car moves (determine if it needs gas)

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This solution helps with a problem regarding classes in C++.

Solution Preview

Here is a sample for you. The Car class contains the basics as you requested and the main() function contains a menu of actions that user may choose. You can extend the car class with more functionality using the example. Good luck.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Car

//private variables that store the car state
int batteryLevel;
float gasAmount;
int gearNumber;
int carMotion;
int carDirection;
int maxGas;
bool carStarted;

//public methods to access car state

Car(int maxGas)
// the max amount of gallons this car can have
this->maxGas = maxGas;
this->batteryLevel = 0;
this->carStarted = false;

int GetBatteryLevel()
return this->batteryLevel;

void ChargeBatteryLevel(int level)
if (level<0 || level>100)
cout << "Invalid option" << endl;
this->batteryLevel = level;

float GetGasLevel()
return ((float)this->gasAmount/(float)maxGas) * 100;

void Gear(int gearNumber)
//motion: 0 - stop, 1 - forward, -1 ...

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