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Acid-Base Titration

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A 0.394 sample of potassium hydrogen phthaate (KHC8H4O4) is dissolved in 100-Ml of water. 13.9-ml of sodium hydroxide solution are required to reach the equivalence point, what is the normality,N, of sodium hydroxide? KHC8H4O4's equivalent weight is 204.2g/equiv and a 0.294g sample of an unknown acid requires 13.4-ml of 0.132N NaOH to reach a phenolphthalein endpoint. What is the unknown acid's equiv weight?

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This solution shows step-by-step calculations to determine the normality of sodium hydroxide and also the unknown acid's equivalent weight using the normality equation. Brief explanations are included.

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(1) A 0.394 sample of potassium hydrogen phthaate (KHC8H4O4) is dissolved in 100-Ml of water. 13.9-ml of sodium hydroxide solution are required to reach the equivalence point, what is the normality,N, of sodium hydroxide? KHC8H4O4's is equivalent weight 204.2g/equiv

number of gram equivalent of ...

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