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Canada Country Analysis

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Canada Country Analysis

1. List 5 opportunities and/or threats that could result from SOCIAL or CULTURAL factors in Canada. List how other companies have adapted or overcome these factors.

2. List 5 opportunities and/or threats that could result from POLITICAL factors in Canada. List how other companies have adapted or overcome these factors.

3. List 5 opportunities and/or threats that could result from LEGAL factors in Canada. List how other companies have adapted or overcome these factors.

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Solution Summary

The solution looks at Canada;s country analysis. The threats from social and cultural factors are determined.

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1. List 5 opportunities and/or threats that could result from SOCIAL or CULTURAL factors in Canada. List how other companies have adapted or overcome these factors.


1. First of all Canada is an ethnically diverse nation. It has so many ethnic groups with at least one hundred thousand members each including Canadians, English, French, Scottish, Irish, German, Italian, Chinese and Ukrainians. Besides many Canadians value multiculturalism. This diversity helps foreign companies and entrepreneurs to find specific customer niches.

2. Many forms of American media and entertainment are popular in Canada. So companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola could easily adapt the business environment and find customers that love their products.

3. The mandatory school age varies across Canada but generally ranges between the ages of 5-7 to 16-18, contributing to an adult literacy rate that is 99%. In this way Canada could have a sizeable and highly advanced manufacturing sector and technology companies like Nortel, BCE easily find skilled and well educated employees in order to support their operations.

4. Most of the Canadians tend to work in the service industry which employs about three quarters of working population. In this way global financial institutions and insurance companies can easily do business in this country. Besides Canada has a stable and highly advanced financial system that is among the soundest in the world. There are 23 foreign bank subsidiaries and 19 domestic banks in Canada. For example well known U.S Financial Corporation Wells Fargo Financial operates 168 consumer ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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