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SWOT Analysis - strengths for Bank of New York Mellon

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Company: Bank of New York Mellon

I am conducting a SWOT analysis and need information on the strengths of this company.

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While many financial companies are struggling with liquidity and capitalization issues, BNYM is growing and gaining strength in the three core company strengths of core financial strength, response to historic market turmoil, and the continued ability to help manage and secure private investments. Their focus and resources are not being diverted due to the volatile market of today.

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Strengths of BNYM

While many financial companies are struggling with liquidity and capitalization issues, BNYM is growing and gaining strength in the three core company strengths of core financial strength, response to historic market turmoil, and the continued ability to help manage and secure private investments. Their focus and resources are not being diverted due to the volatile market of today.

Because of their solid performance in these three areas, BNYM is excelling in risk management, accessing timely and accurate investment information, increasing their asset transparency, offering varied and creative investment options as well as sophisticated alternatives for cash balances, management of non-liquid securities, and efficient and flexible ways to rebalance portfolios effectively.

Because BNYM is showing very little effects from the current market climate, they are able to focus solely on business at hand.

BNYM has remained profitable in capital base and ...

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