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Strategic Advice

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1298 words with references

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1298 words with references


//As per the directions, we will write about the communication plan for the prospective presidential contestant focused towards election 2012. It will assist in the analysis of the strategic approach that should be adopted by the contenders for making their position better in the election.//


To: Mitt Romney

Date: January 21, 2010

Subject: Strategic advice for presidential contest 2012.

With respect to the coming presidential contest 2012, it is essential for the Republican Party to formulate its communication strategy in order to dominate and come into the middle of the government. In the presidential election 2012, you will serve as the potential candidate for the Republican Party and have to focus on the adoption of effective communication plan for giving defeat to the potential democratic candidate Barack Obama. Since the house and senate will remain in the hands of democrats, therefore the political campaign of the party is required to be highly intensive (Critchlow & MacLean, 2009).

The efforts around the establishment of the political campaign of republicans are required to be integrated and organized in a way that the ideas and the policies of the party can be effectively communicated and are comprehensible by the voters. The main aim of the campaign is to create a lasting image of the policies of the party among the people of the country for becoming successful in the coming elections. In concern to this, the main idea of the party should be intended towards the transformation of the policies within the governmental rules and regulations. Since the approach of the party is to become more conservative towards the management of the policies, so it is essential to focus on the different aspects of the campaigning strategy in a planned manner within the specified timeline (Trent & Friedenberg, 2007).

//Now, we will write about the main objective of the political campaign. Then, we will write about the strength and weakness of Mitt Romney for understanding his role in the presidential elections. Along with this, the strengths and weaknesses of the prospective opponents will also be analyzed.//

Firstly, the main objective of the campaign ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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