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Empowerment and Opportunity Cost

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1. It is frequently argued that for empowerment to work, managers must "let go of control" and learn to live with decisions that are made by their subordinates. Evaluate this argument.
2. Perform an Internet search using the term opportunity cost and locate an article (less than one year old) from the results of your search. After reading the article, write a brief essay (approximately 3 paragraphs) that summarizes and comments on the article. (Your critique should provide the appropriate citation for the article.)

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1. I am in total agreement with the argument that managers must let go of control and learn to live with decisions that are made by their subordinates in many cases. This is due to the fact that managers must learn to delegate some of the organizations decision-making activities to the subordinates in order to ensure that all these activities will be able to be completed. When managers delegate activities to certain subordinates within the organization, they must be sure to delegate those activities to the most suitable individuals for those activities, which will help to assure that those activities are completed with a high standard of excellence. When this takes place ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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