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Critical Thinking Strategy

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"According to Bryson's (2005) Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Strategic planning is only useful if it supports strategic thinking and leads to strategic management the basis for an effective organization. Strategic thinking means asking, "Are we doing the right thing?" Perhaps, more precisely, it means making that assessment using three key requirements about strategic thinking: a definite purpose is in mind; an understanding of the environment, particularly of the forces that affect or impede the fulfillment of that purpose; and creativity in developing effective responses to those forces. It follows, then, that strategic management is the application of strategic thinking to the job of leading an organization." (Bryson, 2005).

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"According to Bryson's (2005) Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Strategic planning is only useful if it supports strategic thinking and leads to strategic management the basis for an effective organization. Strategic thinking means asking, "Are we doing the right thing?" Perhaps, more precisely, it means making that assessment using three key requirements about strategic thinking: a definite purpose is in mind; an understanding of the environment, particularly of the forces that affect or impede the fulfillment of that purpose; and creativity in developing effective responses to those forces." (Bryson, 2005).

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Strategic Thinking

"According to Bryson's (2005) Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Strategic planning is only useful if it supports strategic thinking and leads to strategic management the basis for an effective organization. Strategic thinking means asking, "Are we doing the right thing?" Perhaps, more precisely, it means making that assessment using three key requirements ...

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