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Selling Skills for Project Managers

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Continually selling your project is necessary to keep senior sponsor and stakeholder support. What types of selling skills would be beneficial for a project manager to obtain? How may a project manager internalize these skills and utilize them effectively when communicating about a project?

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Three skills that a Project Manager need to sell his project and how they can help him in selling and during sales presentation is determined. The solution is 463 words with 4 non-APA references.

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In order to become an effective project manager (PM), one doesn't only need to learn how to manage the project and his team but he also needs to possess selling skills. It doesn't matter if the PM works in an organization or in a consulting firm, he will still need to 'sell' projects to gain support and approval. However, how can he do this effectively?
A great PM needs to have interpersonal skills and knows how to integrate people to get the information that he can use for his sales presentation. When selling projects, the PM needs to present the project to the client for him to 'buy' the value of the project's output. If you are a PM, your project will only be valuable if it can relieve the client's performance pressures. The client is the decision-maker and in order to decide, ...

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