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Organization & Communication - Project Plan

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Try to choose a project that is business-related. Designate a Project Manager and describe the roles of each of the other team members. Submit a project plan with AT LEAST each of the following considerations:

Needs identification
Project goals and objectives
Schedule and WBS
Charts (Gantt, CPM, PERT)
Budget Considerations
Resource Considerations
Team Communication Requirements
You are free to use project management software to aid in your project. This is not required, however.

Each group member should contribute equally.

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Solution Summary

MS Word document - 9 Pages - 1476 Words - 10+ References - Includes the structure of a WBS with a detailed hierarchical tree structure; How to build a WBS; Examples and Level of Details; Tools; Walt Disney's WBS example; Detailed Gantt Chart; Tasks; Responsibility Assignment Matrix; ETC.

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Work Breakdown Structure

In project management, a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an exhaustive, hierarchical (from general to specific) tree structure of deliverables and tasks that need to be performed to complete a project. The Work Breakdown Structure is a very common and critical project management tool. It is considered such a key part of project management that many United States government statements of work require a WBS. The purpose of a WBS is to document the scope of a project. Its hierarchical arrangement allows for easy identification of the terminal elements (the actual items to be done in a project). Being an exhaustive document of the project scope, the WBS serves as the basis (indeed, the backbone) for much of project planning. All the work to be done in a project must trace its origin from one or more WBS entries.

How to build a WBS

WBS is simply an organized presentation of the work required to complete the project. There is any number of ways to organize the presentation of the work. For example, one could organize it according to life-cycle phases, showing each phase as a top-level breakdown. Another way to organize it is by functional responsibilities. A key thing to remember is that the WBS documents the scope of the project, and not the execution plan of the project. Thus, in the house painting example below, 'Prepare Materials' could appear after 'Paint the Room' and it is still a valid and correct WBS. For more details on the various approaches to building the WBS for a project (see e.g. How to Build a Work Breakdown Structure below). Whether the WBS should be activity-oriented or deliverable-oriented is a subject of much discussion. Even suggesting picking one style and then sticking to it can be a point of argument.

In building a work breakdown structure for painting a room (activity-oriented) it is essential that you state the obvious.

For example:

Prepare materials
Buy paint
Buy a ladder
Buy brushes/rollers
Buy wallpaper remover
Prepare room
Remove old wallpaper
Remove detachable decorations
Cover floor with old newspapers
Cover electrical outlets/switches with tape
Cover furniture with sheets
Paint the room
Clean up the room
Dispose or store left over paint
Clean brushes/rollers
Dispose of old newspapers
Remove covers

Level of Detail

There is no set depth or breadth specification for ...

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