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Managing the Critical Path

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In project management does managing the critical path guarantee a successful project? Why or why not?

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The solution discusses the possibility of managing the critical path in guaranteeing a successful project in project management. Reasons are also cited and references included.

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In project management, does managing the critical path guarantee a successful project? Why or why not?
Critical path is the flow or sequence of activities that must be started and completed on time for the entire project to be completed on time. These activities on the critical path must start and end as scheduled and if there is a delay of one activity, the entire project will complete late also unless another activity was done in lieu of that delay. No matter how simple or complex a project is, it has a critical path.

Although managing the critical path properly can greatly help in ensuring project success, it is not an assurance that the project will be successful as there are other factors that have to be considered that aside from the management of critical path. ...

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