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Consumer behavior:

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Choose an industrial product and try to guess the buying center for customers of that product. What is the customer behavior for a typical member in each group, expressed in terms of the basic customer behavior questions (Why? How? etc.)?

Suppose you are hired as a salesperson for a company that sells the product in question. How do you find out who occupies each buying role in the center?

How do you use the above information to do your job?

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This response presents a brilliant discussion on Consumer behavior:

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Choose an industrial product and try to guess the buying center for customers of that product. What is the customer behavior for a typical member in each group, expressed in terms of the basic customer behavior questions (Why? How? etc.)?

The product is consumables for stretch wrapping. The buying center for customers is the packing department in different industries. The customer behavior in terms of basic customer questions include the following; why? The consumables are used in industrial stretch wrapping machines for the purpose of packing. How? The manner in which the stretch wrapping material will ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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