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Motivation for coming off shoring

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Given the situation below, where an organization has decided to form a team to accomplish a specific function/action, analyze the situation and recommend how the teams should be formed. Recommend what management should do to address each of the group performance factors and the phases of team development. Provide rationale for your recommendations. (Note: Please do not simply provide a generic description extracted from the textbook, relate your descriptions to the situation.)


Your Fast Food Eatery has just been evaluated by the Department of Health and has received three major deficiences. These deficiencies MUST be corrected within 3 months or your restaurant will be closed. You have been assigned the responsibility to form a team to address issues, develop recommendations and implement improvement. This team will meet over the next 3 months to work on these issues.

? Motivation
Given the situation below where a manager faces a challenge of motivating employees, analyze the situation, and identify and explain how at least 2 key factors affect motivation in this case. Apply at least 1 motivational theory and recommend an approach that should be taken to increase motivation and improve performance. Provide rationale for your recommendations. (Note: Please do not simply provide a generic description extracted from the textbook, relate your descriptions to the situation.)

You have been recently told that your company will be off shoring some of the functions associated with your business. The general employee population will be informed early next month. Your challenge is to maintain productivity and a smooth operation prior to and during the outsourcing effort.

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Response discusses the motivation for coming off shoring

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Given the situation below, where an organization has decided to form a team to accomplish a specific function/action, analyze the situation and recommend how the teams should be formed.

Given the situation below, where an organization has decided to form a team to accomplish a specific function/action, analyze the situation and recommend how the teams should be formed. Recommend what management should do to address each of the group performance factors and the phases of team development. Provide rationale for your recommendations. (Note: Please do not simply provide a generic description extracted from the textbook, relate your descriptions to the situation.)


Your Fast Food Eatery has just been evaluated by the Department of Health and has received three major deficiencies. These deficiencies MUST be corrected within 3 months or your restaurant will be closed. You have been assigned the responsibility to form a team to address issues, develop recommendations and implement improvement. This team will meet over the next 3 months to work on these issues.

? Motivation
Given the situation below where a manager faces a challenge of motivating employees, analyze the situation, and identify and explain how at least 2 key factors affect motivation in this case. Apply at least 1 motivational theory and recommend an approach that should be taken to increase motivation and improve performance. Provide rationale for your recommendations. (Note: Please do not simply provide a generic description extracted from the textbook, relate your descriptions to the situation.)


You have been recently told that your company will be off shoring some of the functions associated with your business. The general employee population will be informed early next month. Your challenge is to maintain productivity and a smooth operation prior to and during the outsourcing effort.

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