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T-Shirt Marketing & Increasing Sales

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A campus service organization annually raises money through the sale of T-shirts. Using what you have learned about marketing and scanning the marketing environment, what two actions should the campus organization take to increase sales this year? Explain both of the actions and why you believe they will have the greatest impact.

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This solution suggests two actions a campus service organization might take to increase sales of t-shirts. It explains both actions and describes why they are important. Examples are included.

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It would be key to make sure that the t-shirts are topical, current, and trendy looking so that they would be more likely to sell. Having a unique product makes it easier to sell, and makes a bigger impact for companies. In addition, by making sure the t-shirts are unique and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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