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OM tools used for American Airlines

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Investigate what operations management tools American Airlines have developed over time to help them gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Where appropriate, identify the general type of tools which they are using. Your findings should include at least the following.

Name of the organization
Location of the headquarters
The source of your information (articles/websites/pages)
One or more significant operations management initiatives
What benefits are already being realized?

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This job assesses operations management tools.

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Operations management (OM) refers to the management of core operations in an organization. Core operations entail the process of transformation of inputs to outputs using technical, human and financial resources. Typical core operations of a manufacturing firm like GM or Procter and Gamble include product design, production planning, sourcing and purchasing, manufacturing, scheduling and control, shop-floor productivity improvement, quality assurance and improvement, and overall supply chain design and management. Core operations of a service firm such as American Airlines include asset acquisition, business segments and flight planning, flight scheduling and staffing, aircraft maintenance, hub operations, and overall productivity analysis and improvement. The critical role of OM in an organization's long-term sustenance and growth is recognized even in less traditional sectors such as ...

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