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Ethical Behavior for Leaders

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Based on the response to Hurricane Katrina, what is the relationship between inefficiency and ethical behavior for leaders? How could the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster been more effective, and thus more ethical? Your response must be at least 200 words with APA references.

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This is a discussion of the relationship between effective leadership and ethical behavior.

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In order for leadership to be successful in any organization, two activities must exist: 1) Fulfilling the position of a believable ethical role model for those who work for the leader,and
2) consistently developing far reaching and effective management solutions for the organization.

However, what makes an ethical role model often depends on what definition of ethics is widely accepted.

For example, what If a leader decides to blame all of the troubles of the country on one group, and then strongly encourage the destruction of that group, some may feel that this is an effective solution. But if the reasoning is wrong, and the blame is mistakenly applied to the one group, the leadership could still be accepted by those who suffer economically, and emotional appeals could make the destruction part of the solution acceptable.So, Adolf Hitler was able to garner so much support from his citizens.

What happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, however, may have been a reluctance on the part of the ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Grand Canyon University
  • MBA, University of Phoenix
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