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Organizational Behavior: Example Question

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Question 1

1) Imagine that you looking to change jobs. You found a company that you are interested in and want to understand what the goals of the organization are.

How would you determine what the goals of this organization are? Why do goals matter to you, employees, customers, and vendors of the organization?

Question 2

2) Utilizing the theory from Chapter 10 in your textbook, pick a change that occurred within your organization that you witnessed, or heard about. What were the factors that led to the change, and what was the process through which change occurred (how did the search take place, what solutions were considered, why was a given solution chosen? Were the changes successful, would you say?

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This solution discusses organizational behavior.

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Organizational Goal

Answer 1:

Organizational goal is a desired future objective of the organization that organization is continuously trying to achieve. Any employee who is new in the organization has to know about the organization goal. An employee can determine the organizational goal through different ways. By evaluating that in what field company is operating, what is company's vision and what is the position of their competitor employees would determine the organizational goal. Organizations introduce the training and development program for the employees to create awareness about their goal. Employees can also determine the organizational goal by discussing with company's old workers, managers and leaders (Mathis & Jackson, 2007).

Organizational goal is very important ...

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