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Managing Human Resource Systems

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"Barcelona Restaurant Group: Managing Human Resources" (06:14)

•From the video, determine how the hiring practices at Barcelona Restaurant Group could be leveraged at businesses that do not have such a tight focus on customer service. Provide specific examples to support your response.
•Analyze the process of developing qualified workers and make at least one recommendation for improvement that would benefit any organization. Explain your rationale.

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The hiring practices at Barcelona restaurant group could be leveraged at businesses that do not have such a tight focus on customer service, by these businesses ensuring that they screen applicants very meticulously in order to ensure that they hire the most qualified individuals for each position that the businesses advertise and recruit for. An example of this would be a business organization that is recruiting for managers, to hire the manager or managers that have the greatest educational attainment, most experience in managing their type of business, and the most credible track record of success and proficiency. This is due to the fact that hiring the most qualified managers will provide the ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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