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Human Resources and Action Research

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How can one reconcile the necessity for open sharing of information as part of the action research model with the respect for privacy and confidentiality represented in the values of ethical guidelines?

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This solution discusses how one could reconcile the necessity for open sharing of information as part of the action research model with the respect for privacy and confidentiality represented in the values of ethical guidelines.

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Let's take a closer look at this interesting question from various sources, which you can consider for your final copy.


1. How can one reconcile the necessity for open sharing of information as part of the action research model with the respect for privacy and confidentiality represented in the values of ethical guidelines?

Open sharing of information is part of the research model, so it is during the research process that this is true, where all participants must be involved and there must be open sharing of information amongst participants. Only in this way does the action research provide a rich data base that is necessary for application of the data to other situations.

On the other hand, privacy and confidentiality is referring to protecting the information from moving to others outside the research project. The researcher collects the data from the action research, and must protect the privacy and confidentiality when the data is reported and distributed to others and to the public. It is an ethical principle of all social research, including action research, to respect the privacy and confidentiality of "information supplied" by research participants, as well as the anonymity of participants. In analyzing and publication, this can be done through such methods as coding the information or using different names for the participants depending on how the research data is analyzed and reported to the public. Other times, it is negotiated before publication i.e. some people might ask to be quoted in future publications.

Let's expand on these two points:

Since action research (i.e. ...

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